Shannon made all the changes in life that she desired. Until that day she was looking forward to life.
A Long Journey Home Series continues with Shannon, the daughter of Lalani, and Matthew, the son of Katherine. Shannon struggles to keep in touch with Matthew long enough for them to maintain their life-long friendship and still pursue her desire to be an archaeologist of Polynesian cultures. Constantly together at college, Matthew realizes he wants more than friendship, and upon graduating confesses his love to Shannon, leading to her uncertainty of how to grow their friendship into love. Something she has reluctantly dreamed about, she fears having to decide between being a modern woman with a career or being old fashioned and married with children. With World War I raging in Europe, the inevitability of Matthew being drafted lingers over their wanting to be together. Then the dreaded moment arrives, he is sent overseas and they’re pulled apart, fearing that this is the final good bye. Shannon, to keep her mind occupied, fills her time solving a theft, writing letters, and excavating an archaeological site on her native island of Oahu. When the war ends, Shannon expects Matthew to return. When he doesn’t, she goes looking for him, now certain she wants to be with him, no more good byes, regardless of what the future holds.
A Long Journey Home Series continues with Shannon, the daughter of Lalani, and Matthew, the son of Katherine. Shannon struggles between a life with Matthew and pursuing a career as an archaeologist. Caught up in the era surrounding World War I, she fears the inevitability of Matthew being drafted, and a final good bye. Shannon chases her desires in solving a theft, writing to Matthew while in Europe, and excavating an archaeological site on Oahu. Her search for love and passionate pursuits intertwines until love and persistence prevail. Now certain for her love of Matthew, no more good byes, she forgoes her dreams until love leads her into an unexpected path.